9. The world's most and least ethnically diverse countries

Click to enlarge. Data source: Harvard Institute for Economic Research (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
This shows the world's most diverse countries, its most homogenous and, if you look closely, a whole lot more.
10. Where people feel the most and least loved

Click to enlarge. Data source: Gallup (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
Red countries are where people feel the most loved; blue countries are where they feel the least loved. Here's the story behind those sadder, bluer spots on the map.
11. A Russian professor thinks the U.S. will break up into these four countries

(Laris Karklis/Washington Post)
Professor Igor Panarin became a minor celebrity in Russia when he first unveiled his grim prediction for the future of the United States, which was widely covered by Russian state media and treated as credible. Panarin said the United States would break apart under internal strain and form four different countries, with only one wholly independent while the others fell under foreign influence or control. I've included it both for a taste of how the United States is sometimes perceived abroad and to give American readers a sense for what it can feel like to have the outside world get your country so wildly wrong.
当Igor Panarin教授初次披露他对于美国未来的冷酷预测时,他在俄罗斯变得小有名气。他的预测被俄罗斯官方媒体广泛报道,并被认为是可靠的。Panarin 说美国将会在内部紧张中分裂,成为四个不同的国家,且只有一个会完全独立,其他的都会在外国影响或掌控中。我把这张图收进来,一是为了显示美国有时候是如 何被外国认知的,另一方面也是想让美国读者体会一下,当外部世界对你的国家的认识如此荒谬时,感觉会如何。
12. Who loves and hates America

Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
People in blue countries are more likely to view the United States favorably; people in red countries are more likely to view it unfavorably. The map has some big implications for America's role in the world.
蓝色国家的人更可能以赞许的眼光看待美国;红色国家的人更可能以不快的眼光看待美国。这张地图极大显示了美国在世界上的角色。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/