37. What the Muslim world believes, part 1: democracy

Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew. (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
The first of three maps from a comprehensive study on attitudes and views in the Muslim world (full breakdown of the report here) shows that most Muslims broadly support democracy, with a few telling exceptions.
38. What the Muslim world believes, part 2: religious conflict

Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew. (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
Significant shares of just about every large Muslim population worry about religious conflict (there is a widespread view in many Muslim-majority countries that the religion is under siege from the outside world). That share is more than half in four countries: Tunisia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Niger.
39. What the Muslim world believes, part 3: honor killings

Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew. (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
Red indicates countries where most surveyed Muslims believe that "honor killings" -- the practice of killing someone, typically a member of your own family, for having sex out of wedlock -- are sometimes justified. Blue indicates countries where most surveyed Muslims believe it is never justified.
40. The world as seen from space, over a 12-month time-lapse

This NASA moving image, recorded by satellite over a full year as part of their Blue Marble Project, shows the ebb and flow of the seasons and vegetation. Both are absolutely crucial factors in every facet of human existence -- so crucial we barely even think about them. It's also a reminder that the Earth is, for all its political and social and religious divisions, still unified by the natural phenomena that make everything else possible.
这个NASA动图是作为Blue Marble计划的一部分,由卫星在一整年里记录下来的。它显示了季节和植物的衰退和流动。季节和植物都是人类存在的每个方面的绝对关键因素——太过关键,以至于我们都很少去想一想它们。它也提醒了我们,即便地球上有各种政治和社会的划分,但是自然现象是统一的,而这是其他任何可能性的前提。
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