5. World map of major religions

基督教 佛教
穆斯林 犹太教
无所属 无明显主要宗教
Click to enlarge (Pew)
Read here about how Christianity came to dominate so much of the globe and what that means today. Read below for more on the Islamic world.
6. The countries where people are the most and least emotional

Click to enlarge. Data source: Gallup (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
People in yellow countries are the least likely to report having emotional experiences of any kind, positive or negative. Purple countries are where people report experiencing the most feelings. If you're surprised to see that the United States is among the world's most emotional countries (but far from No. 1) or want to learn why some regions are so unemotional, you can read all about it here.
在黄颜色的国家中,人们最不可能报告他们有任何种(不管是正面还是负面的)的情绪体验。紫色国家是人们反应他们经历了最多种感觉的国家。如果你看到美国是世 界上最情绪化的国家之一(但远不是第一名)时感到很吃惊,或者想知道为什么有一些地区如此非情绪化,你可以在这里读到全部。
7. A European missionary's map of Africa, circa 1908

Click to enlarge (David Rumsey's historic map collection)
I have this one hanging over my desk in part because of its appeal as a historic document (the borders are tellingly rough) but also as a reminder of the colonial legacy in Africa, which European powers divided up a century ago with little respect for how actual Africans wanted to be grouped. Those arbitrary borders are still with us today, in part because African leaders agreed not to dispute them when they won independence. The borders contribute significantly to conflict and unrest on the continent because there are so many diverse communities forced together.
我在桌子上方挂了这样一张地图,某种程度上是因为它看上去像一个历史文件(边界很明显地很粗略),但也提醒了我们在非洲殖民遗产。欧洲各强权在一个世纪前分 割了非洲,对非洲人希望如何分组几乎没有任何尊重。那些武断的边界今天仍在,某种程度上是因为在它们赢得独立的时候,非洲领导人同意不对此争论。这些边界 极大程度上导致了这个大陆上的冲突及动荡,因为很多不同的群体被迫共处。
8. Where people are the most and least racially tolerant

Click to enlarge. Data source: World Values Survey (Max Fisher/Washington Post)
People in blue countries are more likely to say that they would be OK with living next door to someone of a different race. People in red countries are less likely. The map suggests some big and potentially surprising lessons for how race is treated around the world. But it's an imperfect (and controversial) metric, so do read these five insights from an ethnic conflict specialist on the map and what it tells us.
蓝色国家的人更可能说,邻居是另一个种族的人没什么关系。红色国家的人就不那么可能了。这张地图显示了在世界上种族问题是如何被看待的。这是很大,也可能是 很让人吃惊的一课。但是这是一个不完美(并且有争议)的测量标准,所以请阅读种族冲突方面专家对地图的五个观察,以及它告诉了我们什么。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/