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www.sinoca.com 2014-01-24  龙腾网

  Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. A majority are original to this blog (see our full maps coverage here), with others from a variety of sources. I've included a link for further reading on close to every one.


  1. A political map of the world, circa 200 A.D.


  What's more amazing: how much things have changed over the last 1,800 years, a major chunk of the civilizational history of humanity, or how many of this map's divisions are still with us today?


  2. Where people are the most and least welcoming to foreigners




  Click to enlarge. Data source: World Economic Forum. (Max Fisher/Washington Post)

  This might be useful in planning your next vacation, although there are some big surprises in the results.


  3. The world's major writing systems



  Click to enlarge. (Wikimedia Commons)

  This map is a reminder that the world's divisions and commonalities go much deeper than national borders. It also helps to tell the stories of a few major events that still shape the globe, the echoes of which you can see in almost every map on this page: European colonialism, the Arabic-speaking Islamic conquests of the 7th century, the Russian expansions of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the (still-ongoing!) unifications of India and China.


  4. The best and worst places to be born



  Click to enlarge. Data source: Economist intelligence unit. (Max Fisher/Washington Post)

  Here's how they decided which countries are best to born in and what this map tells us about the world.

  这里是他们怎么认为出生于那些国家最好,以及这张地图告诉我们的关于这个世界的信息。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:没见过的火星全景图 NASA首公布360°视角高清图
下一篇:加拿大落基山处处皆风景 艳遇裸晒绝色美女(组图)

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