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www.sinoca.com 2014-07-31  

  25.Over 50,000 people ignore a declared state of emergency and gather in front of the Russian parliament building in order to support Boris Yeltsin, on August 20, 1991.


  26.A pro-democracy demonstrator argues with a Soviet soldier late on August 20, 1991, as a tank blocked access to the center of Moscow.


  27.Residents play music and talk to soldiers in front of the Russian White House in central Moscow early on August 20, 1991.


  28.People stand on a barricade in front the Russian White House in Moscow on August 21, 1991.


  29.A soldier waves a Russian flag from the top of his tank as armored units leave their positions in Moscow following the collapse of the military coup against president Gorbachev on August 21, 1991. Coup leaders fled the capital and president Gorbachev was rumored to be returning soon.


  30.Part of a large crowd, outside the Russian Parliament building in Moscow, celebrates the news that the hardline Communist coup has failed, on August 22, 1991.

  30.1991年8 月22日,在俄罗斯议会大厦前,拥挤的人群中的一部分在庆祝强硬的共产主义政变的失败。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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