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www.sinoca.com 2014-01-24  龙腾网

  33. The nuclear powers, after the Cold War


  Click to enlarge. (International Law and Policy Institute)


  The Cold War may have ended, but its thousands of nuclear warheads are still around -- and often still divided along the same lines. This map shows in blue the Russian "umbrella states," which are formally under the protection of Russian nuclear weapons, and in orange the "umbrella states" protected by the U.S./NATO. The five other nuclear powers -- Israel, Pakistan, India, China and North Korea -- are in gray.


  34. How people think their economies are doing


  Click to enlarge. Data source: Gallup (Max Fisher/Washington Post)[/caption]

  People in red countries are pessimistic about their country's economy; people in blue countries are more optimistic. With a handful of exceptions (cough cough, China), economists seem to agree.



  35. A partial map of geopolitical anomalies


  Click to enlarge. (Martin Lewis/Stanford University)


  Each of these red markers cheekily indicates some unusual or unique phenomenon -- for example, Abkhazia, the "barely recognized puppet state" just between Russia and Georgia. (Read more on Abkhazia and other not-yet-real countries here.) My favorite may be the various overseas French territories, such as French Guyana, that are simply and accurately labeled "France." The map was designed by Stanford Professor Martin Lewis; read his full post explaining the map here.

  每一处红色标记都厚脸皮地表示一些不寻常或者第一无二的现象——比如,阿布哈兹,“极少被承认的傀儡国家”就在俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚中间。(请在这里阅读更多关于阿布哈兹和其他还不是真的的国家。)我最喜欢的或许是各式各样的法国海外领土,比如法属圭亚那,仅被简单和准确地标注为“法国”。这个地图由斯坦福教授Martin Lewis设计;在这里阅读他的完整解释地图的帖子。

  36. Where the atheists live



  Click to enlarge. Data source: WIN/Gallup International poll. (Max Fisher and Caitlin Dewey/Washington Post)

  Plenty of godlessness in China, Japan and a few European countries, perhaps unsurprisingly. But there are lot more atheists in places like Saudi Arabia than you might think, despite the fact that it's considered a serious crime.

  在中国,日本以及一些欧洲国家里,有大量无神主义。或许这并不让人吃惊。但是在诸如沙特阿拉伯这样的地方,也有比你想象得要多的无神论者,虽然这被认为是严重的罪行。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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