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www.sinoca.com 2014-12-14  龙腾网

  16. Love Chinatown food?


  Facebook: FuLuShouHK

  Check out the inauthentic (yet stilldelicious) favourites at Fu Lu Shuo. This super-secret lounge (you need to callahead for the door code) comes with a kick-ass terrace and a snack menu ofAussie Chinatown classics. Think lemon chicken with a gooey, tangy sauce,addictive prawn toast and giant “dim sims”. Oh, and a seriously goodAsian-inspired cocktail list.

  尝一下Fu Lu Shuo(福禄寿)餐厅不太真实(但还是很好吃)的受欢迎的美食吧!这个休闲餐厅非常秘密(你得提前打电话询问门牌号码),有一个很牛的露台,还有一份澳洲唐人街经典小吃菜单。想想看,配有粘稠、浓郁酱汁的柠檬鸡,让人上瘾的烤虾、和巨大的点心。哦,还有真的很棒的带有亚洲灵感的鸡尾酒酒单。

  17. Love jasmine tea?


  Facebook: theenvoyhk

  Try the “Dewdrops of the Heart”cocktail at the Envoy. It’s made with vodka, green tea, jasmine tea, jasmineflowers, and homemade pandan syrup. Jasmine not your thing? There are alsococktails prepared with black tea, chrysanthemum… and Milo.

  试一下The Envoy的鸡尾酒“心之露珠”吧,它是用伏特加、绿茶、茉莉花茶、茉莉花和自制香兰糖浆做成的。不喜欢茉莉吗?那么也有用红茶、菊花和美禄调制的鸡尾酒。

  18. Love curry fishballs?


  Instagram: @yayio308

  Try these GIANT FISHBALLS from Cheung Chauisland. A day trip to Cheung Chau isn’t complete without a tour of itsstreetside snack stalls. There are innovative eats here aplenty, but thegigantic curry fishballs are an instagram favourite.


  19. Love pineapple buns?


  Instagram: @thefoodchapter

  Try the baked barbecue pork buns from the world’s cheapestMichelin-starred restaurant, Tim Ho Wan. There are queues around the block fora taste of these beauties. The buns are stuffed with pork in a sticky barbecuesauce, topped with a sweet, crunchy “pineapple bun” crust and delivered pipinghot to your table. The man behind them is a former dim sum chef at LungKing Heen, the Cantonese restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel.

  到全世界最便宜的米其林星级餐厅Tim Ho Wan(添好运点心专门店)来尝一下烤猪排包吧!为了一尝美味,这个街区总是能看见排队的长龙。这儿的猪排包里面塞满了沾着粘稠烧烤酱的猪肉,上面是香脆的“菠萝包”外皮,新鲜滚烫地送到你的餐桌上。这些美味出自谁手呢?这位厨师曾经是四季酒店的广东餐厅龙景轩以前的点心部厨师长哦。

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