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www.sinoca.com 2014-12-14  龙腾网

  19 Hong Kong Dishes You Have To Try BeforeYou Die


  Our favorite HK eats, with a twist.


  1. Love dim sum?


  Jonathan Robert Maloney / Via Facebook: manmocafe

  Try the cross-cultural take on teatime witheast-meets-west dumpling purveyors Man Mo Cafe. Think xiaolongbao soupydumplings stuffed with foie gras, truffle and brie potstickers and duck friedrice risotto. Purists will be horrified…

  下午茶时间,到中西合璧的糕点店Man Mo餐厅来尝尝跨文化的美食吧!想想看,塞满了鹅肝酱和松露的小笼包和汤包,布里奶酪做的锅贴,还有意大利风味烧鸭炒饭。那些坚持食物应该纯粹地道的人一定会震惊的……

  2. Love Hong Kong-style milk tea?


  Facebook: littlelab50

  Try the “HK Tea Time” cocktail from LittleLab. Innovative cocktail bar Little Lab’s version of the classic Hong Kongdrink is made with 12-year Dewar’s, house-made milk tea syrup and evapouratedmilk, topped with off craft beer and chocolate bitters.

  尝一下Little Lab(实验室概念酒吧)的“香港下午茶时间”鸡尾酒。这家创意鸡尾酒酒吧的这款经典香港饮品是用十二年的“帝王”酒、自制奶茶糖浆和淡奶调制而成的,上面加上精酿啤酒和黑巧克力。

  3. Love spam and egginstant noodles?


  Instagram: @whenshesawake

  Try the super-fly ramen at Foxtail &Broomcorn. This hip-as-hell noodle bar does MSG-free, gourmet takes on noodledishes from all over Asia. Think onsen eggs broken over freshly-made ramen, Hokkiennoodles with pulled pork in prawn broth, and vanilla salmon on top of coldVietnamese noodles.

  到Foxtail & Broomcorn餐厅尝尝超好吃的拉面吧。这家同时也很时尚的面条店为您烹制的面条菜市来自亚洲各国,并且不含味精、达到了美食家水平。想象一下,上面浇着温泉蛋的新鲜出炉的拉面,配着鲜虾汤、手撕猪肉的福建面条,还有铺着香草三文鱼的越南冷面!

  4. Love the Mister Softee ice cream truck?


  Facebook: softcreme

  Have a taste of the kooky soft-serve icecream from Soft Creme. It comes in crazy flavors, from umeshu (sour plum) toflamed bacon, champagne and cereal milk.

  尝尝Soft Creme冰淇淋店奇异的软冰淇淋吧!它们的口味都挺疯狂的,有梅酒味(酸李子味),烧腊肉味,香槟口味和牛奶麦片味。

  5. Love char siu?


  Facebook: holeefookhk

  Try the kurobuta char siu from fusionChinese resto Ho Lee Fook. Imagine your regular old honey-roasted pork, butturbo-charged with richly-flavored Japanese pork from heritage pigs. Be sure toask for it extra-charred.

  到融合餐厅(译注:卖各种混合配方或不同地方特色菜肴的餐厅)Ho Lee Fook(口利福)来尝一下黑豚肉叉烧吧!这不仅仅是传统的蜜汁猪肉,还外加日本特色猪肉的丰富口味。记得一定要让餐厅烤得焦一点!加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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