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www.sinoca.com 2014-12-14  龙腾网

  6. Love Macanese pork chop buns?


  Facebook: sundaysgrocery

  Try the katsu sandwich from Sunday’sGrocery. This deli and sandwich bar comes courtesy of the trendy minds behindYardbird and Ronin. It does gourmet sandwiches daily and Korean fried chickenon Sundays. Oh, and it has the best selection of Japanese whiskies in town.

  去Sunday’s Grocery餐厅尝一下炸肉排三明治吧!这家熟食店兼三明治店源于Yardbird and Ronin餐厅的新潮思路,他们每天制作精品三明治,周日制作韩式炸鸡。哦对了,这家店还精选了那一片城区里最好的日本威士忌酒。

  7. Love char siu baos?


  Facebook: littlebaohk

  Try the fluffy stuffed mantou buns fromLittle Bao. These are a gourmet take on the traditional Chinese bread, withinnovative stuffings such as slow-cooked pork belly, and black vinegar-glazedchicken with sichuan mayo.

  尝尝Little Bao店里松软的、塞得满满的包子吧!这里有精品级的中国传统包点,有创新的馅料,比如说文火烹调的五花肉,和四川麻油做配料的黑醋釉鸡肉。

  8. Love Tsingtao?


  instagram.com / Via Instagram: @liquidassetshk

  Try the made-in-Hong-Kong craft brews fromthe Hong Kong Beer Co. Hong Kong’s first microbrewery has five signature brews:Try the Dragon’s Back Pale Ale for a medium-bodied hoppy refresher, or the BigWave Bay IPA for a bitter, malty experience.


  9. Love Peking duck pancakes?



  Try the duck jianbing from Mr. Bing. Pekingduck is a delicacy, but these enormous wraps imported from the street stalls ofBeijing are an affordable treat. They come stuffed with duck, hoisin sauce,cucumber and sheets of crispy mysteriousness.

  尝一下Mr. Bing(老金煎饼)的烤鸭煎饼吧。北京烤鸭是精致的美食,但这些从北京小食店来进口的卷饼都是平民价格。它们里面塞满了烤鸭、海鲜酱、黄瓜还有一片片脆脆的神秘物质。

  10. Love gai dan zhai egg waffles?


  Oddies Hong Kong / Via instagram.com

  You HAVE to try the creative flavours atthe appropriately-named Oddies Foodies, the hottest new gelato/egg waffle shopin town. It regularly sells out of its extremely creative creations, such asthe “Dr. Oddie” sundae with chrysanthemum poached pears, ginger oat crumbs,ginger ice cream and honey jelly with caramel sauce served in an oversizedsyringe. But back to the waffles. Flavours and stuffings include vanilla ricepudding, brownie choc chip, “kimochi” (kimchi-mochi. We don’t get it either),ham and cheese, and mexican chicken. Desserts are retired regularly, so if yousee something you like, get down there ASAP.

  你一定要尝尝Oddies Foodies家的创意口味(他们家的名字起得太恰当了)(译注:店铺名有“古怪的食物”的含义),他们家是那个地区最热门的新开的雪糕/华夫饼店。他们有规律地售卖极具创意的产品,例如内含菊花水煮梨、姜味燕麦面包屑、姜味冰淇淋和蜂蜜果冻的“古怪先生”圣代,浇上焦糖糖浆放在大号注射器里面端上来。但是还是回到他们家的华夫饼上面吧,口味和馅料包括香草大米布丁、布朗尼巧克力脆片、泡菜年糕(还是叫做kimochi?我们也搞不懂)、火腿奶酪还有墨西哥鸡肉。甜点时不时就不供应了,所以如果你看到什么想吃的,以最快速度买下来。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:国民党主席补选领表结束 朱立伦成为唯一参选人
下一篇:香港警察今日最后清场 反对派号召“暴力抗争”

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