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www.sinoca.com 2014-12-14  龙腾网

  11. Love the Thai-Malaysian street food inRat Alley?


  Justin Lim / Via Facebook: MrsPoundHK

  Try the rendang poutine from Mrs. Pound.After successfully completing the food festival circuit, the so-hot-right-nowMrs. Pound has finally opened its permanent digs on Sheung Wan’s Pound Lane,cunningly disguised as a traditional Chinese sealing stone shop.Melt-in-your-mouth slow-cooked beef in a coconut curry sauce, drizzled over hotchips? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.

  尝一下Mrs. Pound家的仁当薯条吧(译注:仁当是流行于东南亚的特色菜肴,有点像咖喱)。在成功完成了美食节巡回活动之后,Mrs. Pound现在特别火,而且在上环磅巷开了门店,还狡猾地伪装成了传统的中式密封石材店。入口即化的、用椰汁咖喱酱文火烹制的牛肉,要洒一点辣薯片吗?别说了,这是我的钱,都拿去吧。

  12. Love typhoon shelter crab?


  Facebook: sohofama

  Try the Chinese comfort food at Sohofama.This just-opened restaurant in the PMQ creative hub is a joint venture betweenlocalvore restaurant Locofama and Hong Kong lifestyle brand GOD. You can enjoytried-and-true Hong Kong dishes, with many ingredients sources locally, sittingoutdoors in Sohofama’s miniature urban farm. It’s also known for its nourishingseasonal tonic soups, and cocktails made with Hong Kong ingredients such assour plum and orange peel. Go, and then tell everyone you know you ate therebefore it was cool.


  13. Love Hong Kong-style French toast?


  Facebook: LabMadeHK

  Try the French toast ice cream from LabMade. This ice cream laboratory uses liquid nitrogen to flash-freeze itsdesserts into one-of-a-kind flavours. The menu changes regularly, but you canexpect plenty of Hong Kong tastes to make regular appearances on the roster,including tofu pudding, egg custard bun, malted soy milk and black sesame.

  去Lab Made(分子雪糕专门店)尝一下法式吐司冰淇淋吧。这间冰淇淋实验室用液氮来将甜点瞬间冻结成独一无二的口味。菜单定期更换,但是你可以期待多种香港滋味定期出现在名册上,包括豆腐布丁、奶黄包、麦芽豆奶和黑芝麻。

  14. Love spicy Chongqing noodles?


  Facebook: 748714841862867

  Try Dan Dan Soulfood from Sichuan. Thiscausal noodle bar is run by a French husband and Sichuanese wife team. Think authenticSichuan noodles, with lashings of addictive maa laa numbing spice.

  尝一下Dan Dan Soulfood(四川担担)面吧。这家休闲面店是一个法国人和他的四川妻子开的。想想看,货真价实的四川面条,加上大量让人上瘾的麻辣调料!

  15. Love wontons?


  Facebook: socialplacehk

  Check out the wonton dumplings at SocialPlace. This friendly, modern diner offers a healthy, MSG-free take on Chinesecasual dining, with many of its dishes offering a unique twist on the classics.

  尝一下Social Place(唐宫小聚)的馄饨吧。这家友好、时尚的餐厅提供健康无味精的中国休闲餐饮,他们很多菜肴都是独特、花心思的经典菜式。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:国民党主席补选领表结束 朱立伦成为唯一参选人
下一篇:香港警察今日最后清场 反对派号召“暴力抗争”

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