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美国一游轮遭遇强风暴侵袭 6100人死里逃生(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2016-02-09  世界日报

  Furniture toppled and broke as the ship was tossed around by giant ocean waves from the nor'easter, which began around 3pm yesterday

  Today passengers tried to relax and prepare for their trip to Florida and the Bahamas, but were told the ship was being turned around

  Today crews are sweeping up debris left over from the storm, which have included shards of broken glass from the banisters

  Shattered glass and (what appears to be) a broken tower greeted passengers when they woke this morning and were able to go outside

  Piles of broken furniture have been stack on the deck as passengers see external damages for the first time since the terrifying storm

  Stu Ostro, a self-proclaimed 'weather nerd', tweeted this image out to prove the nor'easter was predicted days before the ship left harbor

  The captain decided rather than try to weather another storm system brewing in the south, the best course was to turn the ship around

  No shopping today: Furniture and loose drawers were pictured strewn across stores on board, including this jewelry shop, although the glass cabinets remained intact

  Towels appear to line the floor in order to keep the water out. The ship shut down service and asked passengers to stay in their rooms for more than ten hours to assure no one was injured during the storm

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上一篇:华裔男情杀案:拿刀追杀 两名“小三”在现场(图)
下一篇:孟加拉的孤儿与流浪狗 同病相怜就是这样吧(组图)

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