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美国一游轮遭遇强风暴侵袭 6100人死里逃生(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2016-02-09  世界日报

  Terror at sea: Waves crashed against the cabin windows as passengers hunkered down to brave the storm

  The rising tides and swelling waves caused many passengers to panic, reaching out to social media and asking for prayers

  Massive: The Anthem of the Seas, operated by Royal Caribbean, is the third largest cruise ship ever built

  Rocked: The ship was leaning so much in both of these pictures the men are actually standing up straight but appear to be defying gravity

  Hurricane-force winds reaching 150mph caused huge swells, which sent the ship teetering through the night at angles of 45 degrees加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:华裔男情杀案:拿刀追杀 两名“小三”在现场(图)
下一篇:孟加拉的孤儿与流浪狗 同病相怜就是这样吧(组图)

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