这艘游轮在海上遭风暴侵袭后,很多乘客纷纷在社交网站上传照片。来自纽约市的乘客夏拉.史川(Shara Strand)8日在脸书向美联社表示,她搭乘过20多艘游轮,也碰过飓风,但这次在“海洋颂歌号”(Anthem of the Seas)上受到极大惊吓,这是从未有过的情形。该游轮排水量16万8666吨,是全世界第三大游轮。
另一名16岁乘客卡布列拉.雷森(Gabriella Lairson)说,她和父亲在7日下午2时30分就感觉到船身摇晃,船长指示旅客留在卧舱内。雷森听到浴室的玻璃破裂,便把物品放进抽屉和橱内,以免在客舱内乱飞。

The ceiling of a Royal Caribbean cruise collapsed as the ship endured 150mph winds, which caused the ship to rock back and forth for hours on ends and causing damage to the furniture and structure inside the vessel

In the ship's kitchen, cutlery, coffee urns, sugar packets and more was sent sprawling across the floor as waves slammed into the ship

Huge pots were toppled as hundreds of towels lined the floors and door ways to keep water from the massive swells from seeping in

Rain pelleted the windows and doors shattered in the wind and waves of the nor'easter, which caused the ship to rock through the night

Frightened passengers posted pictures of damages from on board Royal Caribbean's Anthem of the Seas as the ship swayed last night加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/