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高清航拍:客机疑撞海堤 尾翼断裂 舱顶烧穿(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-07-06  洛杉矶时报

  A young passenger from the crashed Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 talks to the press at San Francisco International Airport before being interrupted by the police and escorted to a waiting room designated for families and friends of passengers

  Charred remains: An airliner passes the wreckage of an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 at San Francisco International Airport

  Disaster area: This aerial photo shows the wreckage of the Asiana Flight 214 airplane, right, after it crashed, as another plane approaches at the San Francisco International Airport

  Stranded: Hermann Heider, from left, sits next to Alphonse Roig, wife Christine Roig, and their daughters Marine, 15, and Lara, 12, as they wait for news on their British Airways flight after Asiana Flight 214 crash

  Waiting game: Bob Merberg, foreground, sits with son Oren, 19, center, and daughter Maya, 16, after their flight to Rochester, New York was canceled after Asiana Flight 214 crashed

  Dave McLauchlan, CEO of the app development company Buddy.com, created a graphic showing that Flight 214's approach altitude into the airport was normal, while yesterday?s was unusually

  Response: A huge emergency response has been launched with firefighters and paramedics rushing to assist those on board加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/


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