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高清航拍:客机疑撞海堤 尾翼断裂 舱顶烧穿(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-07-06  洛杉矶时报

  Landing: The plane failed to land safely and witnesses described watching the tail and then the wings being ripped off as it hurtled along the runway on its belly

  Tail snapped: Onlookers said that the plane's tail snapped off when the plane crashed down near where the runway meets the water at the airport

  Intact: The plane that ended up crashing in San Francisco was an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 similar to the one in the photo

  Flight plan: This shot from the flight tracking site FlightAware shows the departure and expected arrival times of the Asiana plane

  Sheared off: Investigators pass the detached tail and landing gear of Asiana Flight 214

  Unsettling news: San Francisco Fire Department Chief Joanne Hayes-White (left) said that at least 60 passengers remain unaccounted for

  Silver lining: Dave Johnson, FBI special agent in charge of the San Francisco Division, foreground, stated that there is no indication that terrorism played a role in the tragedy

  Lucky escape: An elderly woman in a wheelchair is seen talking to paramedics (left) after getting off the crashed aircraft (right)加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/


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