After finishing the egg roll with pork, let us look at the refreshing pickled mustard tuber! Mustard tuber does not have much calories, so this time they decided not to print any nutritional composition and calorie content information. I suppose this is just for you to taste.
吃完猪肉蛋卷儿,来看看爽口榨菜!榨菜并没有太多的热量,所以这次他们决定不打印任何营养成分和卡路里含量的信息。只是给你爽爽口。The light and crispy flavor is okay, but the taste is not as good as pickled vegetables on airlines.

Finally, let us have some beverage! Solid instant beverage, what is this? Coffee? Orange juice?
最后,让我们来一些饮料!固体速溶饮料,神马东东?咖啡?橙汁?This small bag has 57 kilocalories! Has citric acid, so it must be sweet and sour to drink and better tasting than nutrition!
这个小袋子有57千卡热量!有柠檬酸,所以必须是酸甜,好喝又营养!The color is like tea. However it is sour, a little like sweet-sour plum juice, the flavor is not bad! That is it, time to clean up!