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外国网友试吃解放军军粮 吐槽称充饥不好吃(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-10-10  

  List of nutritional ingredients. This has 554 kilocalories, equivalent to an average lunch’s kilocalories.

  营养成分列表。这有554千卡,相当于平常午餐的热量。Open , there are two pieces!打开看看,有两片!When you bite it, it is very brittle and dry, and it is very powdery in your mouth. Compared to the previous compressed biscuit, the flavor is a little better, and also not sweet and greasy. The instructions say this can also be mixed with water to become porridge, but I have not yet tried.


  Given the weight, not wanting to absorb too much of the compressed biscuit’s calories, I put it aside to begin examining the energy bar. Why is it called an energy bay? It is not even the same of a bar, so calling it an energy block would be better. Energy block…our country’s troops are all Transformers!!


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