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外国网友试吃解放军军粮 吐槽称充饥不好吃(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-10-10  

  The energy bar’s packaging reverse side, also printed with instructions and nutritional composition, calorie content. 303 kilocalories.

  能量棒包装的背面,也印有说明和营养成分,热量含量303千卡。Just a blocky block of red bean moon cake!!!

  让我们打开看看。只是一个方块状的豆沙月饼!Upon taking a bite, the taste is average, about the same as the individually wrapped moon cakes in supermarkets/convenience stores, but a bit harder, and personally a little too sweet. After eating, my energy was indeed full, and without eating lunch until 2pm in the afternoon I did not feel hungry!


  Let us take a look at the egg roll with pork, whose name sounds very attractive. However, after the experience of the previous two, this time I did not have any expectation of savoring something delicious. This time the nutritional composition and calorie content were all direcly printed on the front. 115 kilocalories of energy.

  让我们来看看猪肉蛋卷,名字听起来很诱人。然而,经过前两次的经验,这一次俺没有任何品尝好吃的东西的期望。这一次的营养成分和卡路里含量都印正面。 115千卡的能量。Out comes the egg roll with pork, a whiff of packaging flavor. On the surface are some chilis. I like to eat hot/spicy things! The yellow-colored wrap is chicken egg, the rest is pork, but it is suspect just how much pork is inside, there is no room for jokes in the army…

  掰开猪肉蛋卷,一股包装味儿扑鼻而来。外面撒了一些辣椒。偶喜欢吃热辣的东西!黄色的包裹层是鸡蛋,剩下的就是猪肉,但有个疑问到底里面有多少猪肉,军中无戏言啊.....I take a bite to taste…it is just flattened ham sausage, so it would be more suitable to be called Ah Bian [former Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian] brand ham sausage! It would be even better if it had more spiciness and flavor! As for the chicken egg…just pretend it is chicken egg!


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下一篇:揭秘全球政要女保镖 有人风光有人下场悲惨(组图)

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