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www.sinoca.com 2015-05-01  变异苏30的博客

  10. Do Chinese People Do This And That?

  Answer: Yes, the Chinese people will do everything everybody does. They are no different from anybody else and there should be no reason for People to be Extremely Terrified of Chinese People. These are propaganda that are generated by political propaganda machines so that you can isolate, create fear and rule. But you should know that a figure of 1.4 billion-plus people who seems unified is a very terrifying figure.



  11. Why are People Extremely Terrified of Chinese People?

  The question, ’Why are People Extremely Terrified of Chinese People?’ will come in your thoughts when you do not know much about the Chinese people. In the West, people places high value to education and information. Most information about other cultures is obtained when people travel freely throughout the world. Today, unlike before, one will see thousands of Chinese people travelling as tourists in many countries of the world. In western countries, and in particular United States, many people are known to save thousands of their hard earned dollars for several years so that they can one day make a holiday of a life-time in world tourist destinations such as Maasai Mara. It’s by travelling widely and meeting people of different cultures that one’s come to appreciate that different people think differently, and that there is a difference between a donkey and a zebra.

  当你不了解中国人的时候,“为什么人们害怕中国人”这类问题会一直出现,在西方,人们把信息和教育看得非常重要,大多数其他文化的信息只有你自己亲自去体验才能辨别真伪。现在不同于以前,成千上万的中国人在世界各地旅游,在西方国家特别是美国,许多人存上好几年钱为了到Maasai Mara(内罗毕的旅游景点)去旅行,去多些地方去旅游,体验不同的文化,会使得人的眼界宽广,起码知道驴子和斑马是不同的。

  Nancy Zhai

  Those questions on Chinese people are really silly! I have to say those asking the silly questions are silly.


  Very interesting, but no I don't fear Chinese people. In truth, most people I have met from China are humble gracious and generally eager to learn about me and my culture. Diet is a matter of upbringing and a cultural affair. Cod cheeks and tongues are a treat in Cape Breton, NS, Canada while deep fried pig intestines are enjoyed in the southern US. As for my dog and two cats, perhaps a few recipes pinned to the fridge will keep them from doing their business on my floor.

  Bon Appetit,




  Garrett Mickley from Jupiter, Florida Level 1 Commenter加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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