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www.sinoca.com 2015-05-01  变异苏30的博客

  7. Do Chinese People Eat Rats?

  Answer: I don’t know. What I know is that a rat’s soup is very delicious because I read an article that said so on The Wall Street Journal. I personally do not find much difference between eating rodents such as mice, rats, squirrels, porcupines, beavers, chipmunks, guinea pigs on one side and rabbits on the other. And because I like eating rabbit’s meat once in a while, I certainly would not be surprised if I was told Chinese people eat rats. Eating rats should not be a problem to men as rats have been used by man in many experimental studies which have been very useful in our understanding of genetics, diseases and the effects of drugs on man. What is good to a rat should be good to man. The truth is rats are edible by man as they have more-readily available source of protein than fauna you have around. If you can be unfortunate to go to war proper in your lifetime, then you will realize that rats are a delicacy for the fittest.



  8. Do Chinese People Eat Monkey Brains?

  Answer: This is a very difficult question to answer as people will also ask you if the Chinese people eat the brain when the monkey is still alive. We do know that people in the Western world can comfortable eat freshly laid eggs when the egg has not been cooked - is that true or false? If you read Chronicle of the Cultural Revolution by Gao Yuan, or the movie Faces Of Death, you will find mention of Chinese people putting a monkey under a table with a hole so that the monkey head come at the top of the table through the hole. The monkey’s head would then be split with a hammer and there you would have a monkey’s brain for you to enjoy.

  The Chinese people are very humane people who understands the rights of animals and the idea of eating raw and fresh monkey’s brain directly from a monkey’s skull when the monkey is still alive is not acceptable by the mainstream Chinese people. Eating a monkey is very common in many parts of the world but only if the meat is well cooked. China being a society with 1.4 billion people, its no wonder to find a few Chinese people with traditional beliefs that eating raw monkey brains will cure *impotence. In Tanzania (Africa), the albinos are in huge demand from witch doctors who are willing to pay top dollars because they believe the body parts of albino people will make good medicine to cure *impotence and AIDS. This should tell you that the world’s most feared thing by man is *impotency. So now you know what men fear most.



  如果你读过传记《文化革命》或者看过电影《faces of death》,你会看到这样一个情节,中国人把猴子压在桌子下面,用锤子敲碎猴子的脑袋,然后享用脑浆。


  9. Do Chinese People Write Right to Left?

  Answer: Yes, and No. Why do you want them to read from right to left? This is another question which is commonly asked as: Do Chinese People Read Top to Bottom, Right to Left or Left to Right? The original Chinese was, and still is, written in vertical columns from top to bottom; the first column is on the right side of the page, and the text runs toward the left. The reading will also be in vertical columns from top to bottom; the first column being on the right side of the page, and the text is read toward the left. But that is old fashioned – in 1955, the government of China mandated left-to-right writing where they use a style similar to Western layout - horizontal rows running from left to right and reading is from the top of the page to the bottom.


  回答:也是也不是。为什么你会认为他们从右往左写字?还有个问题也是会被经常问到的,中国人阅读是从从上往下吗?最初中国人确实是从右往左写字,从上往下阅读,从上网下写字,写到底部之后再从上往下写,从右到左,阅读也是这样。从1955年以后,政府下令要求从左往右写字,并且使用简体化的汉字,现在的书写和阅读习惯和西方差不多了。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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