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移民后代令人捧腹的22大特征 你中枪了吗?(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2014-05-25  


Your parents displayed an almost scary ability to adopt every new piece of technology that came out over the years. Basically more channels to get in touch with you.


You lived with the world's best unintentional environmentalists. They took the words


You were amazed to discover the families of your white friends had cheeses like Camembert and Brie in the fridge. Your friends were not similarly delighted to be introduced to the stink bomb in your fridge called durian.


Your mum always interfered with your packing. Usually armed with a pair of disposable undies and enough food to feed a family for a month.


The few times your parents took you to the beach, they sweated away covered in head to toe, and were far more interested in eating seafood than swimming.加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

下一篇:实拍加国男女集体下水钓鱼 鱼儿上钩真不小(组图)

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