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十余年最强飓风逼近 美佛州公路上恐慌一幕(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2016-10-06  每日邮报

  Hurricane Matthew moved through Paradise Island, backdropped by Paradise Island bridge in Nassau, Bahamas, Thursday

  The head of the Bahamas National Emergency Management Authority, Capt. Stephen Russell, said there were many downed trees and power lines, but no reports of casualties as Matthew blew through Nassau on the island

  People listen to an update on Hurricane Matthew after spending a night on beach chairs in a ballroom at the Melia Hotel in Nassau, Bahamas October 6

  Daytona Beach's boardwalk is barren except for one person as the threat of the Category Four storm sends Florida residents fleeing inland

  There is barely a car in sight on the streets surrounding Daytona Beach in Florida on Thursday - a few hours before the hurricane is due to hit there

  Clouds cover the sky over the beach near the empty Daytona Beach Boardwalk and Pier in Florida ahead of Hurricane Matthew on Thursday加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:被指肆无忌惮嘲笑丑化华裔 福克斯记者道歉(图)
下一篇:恶少追杀纪欣然全程被录像 辩方铁证面前哑口

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