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十余年最强飓风逼近 美佛州公路上恐慌一幕(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2016-10-06  每日邮报

  The hurricane, which is currently battering the Bahamas, is set to strike Florida this evening and move up the East Coast

  Miami Beach already seems to be suffering high winds and rain today as the Category Four storm approaches

  This NOAA-NASA Goes East project satellite image shows Hurricane Matthew today in the Caribbean; some 1.5 million people are under evacuation orders in Florida in preparation for Matthew to make a direct hit on the state

  Brace yourselves: Matthew is expected to hit the south of Florida with winds of up to 145mph in the early hours of Friday; as it moves up the coast it will gradually lose speed but will still be as high as 110mph on Saturday morning

  Forecasters predict Matthew has strengthened to a Category Four hurricane, with speeds of more than 140mph

  South Carolina has told about a quarter million people to leave the coast and Gov. Nikki Haley says she currently plans to order more evacuations for two more counties Thursday, bringing the total to about 500,000 people加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:被指肆无忌惮嘲笑丑化华裔 福克斯记者道歉(图)
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