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2013全美十佳城市榜:波特兰居首 西雅图第3(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-12-25  

  Raleigh, NC

  This North Carolina city was the second-most preppy in our ranking, but also placed highly for saintliness (sixth) and home buyers (seventh).Source: Wikipedia user Mark Turner

  Washington, DC

  Our nation's capital, Washington, DC, was also the smartest city in our ranking. Its next highest ranking was fifth for most exciting and best dressed.Source: Wikipedia user Wendy Harman

  San Francisco, CA

  The City by the Bay, San Francisco, placed first when it came to being best dressed, but also claimed the top spot for food lovers and preppies.Source: Wikipedia user Joshualeverburg1

  Seattle, WA

  Representing the Pacific Northwest in our top 10, Seattle was the hardest working city in our ranking and came in second for food lovers.Source: Wikipedia user Daniel Schwe

  Atlanta, GA

  In addition to placing first for nerds, Atlanta also took top honors for funniest city, most steampunk city, and best city for meat lovers.Source: Wikipedia user Brett Weinstein

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上一篇:美媒:福建移民偷渡入美 获绿卡后带出数十亲戚

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