Hot and wet: Nikolaas Vermart, of Belgium, takes a picture of thesand dunes in Death Vally National Park (left), while ErnestRivera, 10, runs from the gallons of water pouring down on him andother children trying to beat the heat at the Texas StateAquarium¨ªs HEB Splash Park in Corpus Christi

Making do: Students at Arizona State were hard-pressed to stay coolin temperatures that reached record highs on Saturday

Welcome relief: Troy Tisdale, 11, of Houston joins other childrenplaying in Discovery Green's Gateway Fountain

Hazy: A jet looks like it is melting into the runway as it isdistorted by the heat waves rising up from the north runway at SkyHarbor International Airport in Arizona

Beat the heat: Kayla Holdridge, 6, of Eagle, is sprayed with waterat Settlers Park Friday, June 28, 2013 in Meridian, Idaho

Refreshing: Jamie Aguirre, center right, from Case South ElementarySchool, plays in the water at the Downtown Houston Aquarium加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/