波士顿恐怖袭击受伤嫌犯焦哈尔・察尔纳耶夫4月21日苏醒,但还不能开口说话,不过已经开始通过写纸条接受盘问。执法人员透露 ,调查人员正询问是否有其他从犯或其他未引爆炸弹。
综合媒体4月21日报道,涉嫌制造“4・15”波士顿恐怖袭击嫌犯之一焦哈尔・察尔纳耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)由于喉部中枪,舌头受伤,目前还不能说话。但美国警方迫不及待地对其进行了多次盘问。不能说话的察尔纳耶夫通过写纸条回答问题,接受盘问。
Boston bomb suspect wakes up: 'Terrorist' conscious and answering FBI questions in writing as it is revealed he meekly lifted shirt when he climbed from boat to show police he wasn't strapped with explosives

Site: A blood stain can be seen on the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found hiding after a massive manhunt that left the Boston area paralyzed in fear

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is awake and responding to questions. Authorities are anxious to talk to him to learn his motives behind the attack

Evidence: Investigators gather evidence on Saturday, near the location in Watertown, Mass., where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was captured

Review: Investigators remained at the home in Watertown, Mass. where the surviving suspect was located

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