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扎克伯格一口气买下周围4宅 筹建大宅遭驳(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2016-09-20  每日邮报

  Another drawing of what one of the homes will look like when construction is done

  Zuckerberg's plans to keep the four homes as part of a larger compound where family and friends could stay is what the board took issue with. Pictured, an artist's rendering of the fourth property

  Board members say the four homes are not separate residences or 'credible' single-family homes, and instead operate as part of a larger compound. Above, Zuckerberg's home

  Zuckerberg's wife Priscilla walks their daughter in a photo the Facebook founder posted to Instagram in honor of Mother's Day

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下一篇:20岁网易论坛关闭 宣告了一个时代的终结(组图)

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