(综合报导)加州巴罗艾托市政府顾问委员会今天驳回脸书创办人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的申请,称不会支持他兴建「复合型社区大宅」。
「每日邮报」(Daily Mail)报导,3年前,由于当地地产开发商宣布计画在马克·扎克伯格家附近兴建房舍,刚刚好挡到他主卧房视野,这位亿万富豪于是斥资3000万美元,一口气买下环绕他房子的这4栋建筑。
负责马克·扎克伯格这项专案的华克-华纳(Walker-Warner)建筑师事务所的史考特(Kathy Scott)表示,马克·扎克伯格计画把这些房屋重建成2层楼或1层楼的低矮建筑,作为其家庭的延伸使用如客厅、厨房、餐厅或娱乐空间等。
这4栋房舍加起来,不包括马克·扎克伯格自己主要的住宅,总合已高达6万平方呎,委员会委员佛斯(Wynne Furth)说:「这样会招来更甚于以往更大更多的抱怨。」
Zuckerberg bought the four properties in 2013 after a real estate developer threatened to build a house with views of his master bedroom. Above, Zuckerberg's Palo Alto home
Zuckerberg plans to demolish the four homes surrounding and rebuild them as smaller single-family properties
A blueprint for one of the new homes proposed is shown above. Plans show the homes will take up 20 per cent of the current footprint
Pictured is an artist's impression of what one of the four houses will look like from outside
Picture, an artist's rendering of what another one of the houses will look like. The two single-story and two two-story homes would be replaced by three single-story houses and one two-story house加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/