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www.sinoca.com 2011-10-14  每日邮报

  Unobtrusive: One advantage of the unusual structure is that it would create space in the centre of Mexico City, which is full of historic buildings which cannot be demolished

  Green: The interior of the building is supposed to look natural and welcoming

  Efficient: The creative use of space would allow the plaza to be used for events such as concerts and military parades

  Massive: The space covering the earth-scraper will take up 240 square metres in the heart of Mexico's capital

  Pyramids play a large part in the architectural history of Mexico, as the country's anicent civilisations have often build huge pyramid structures.

  When the Aztecs first came into the Valley of Mexico they built their pyramids on the lake they found there.

  As the Aztec Empire grew in size and power they conceived a new and bigger pyramid, but instead of looking for a new site they just built it on and around the existing one.

  The traditional pyramids are therefore composed of different layers of historical periods.

  Modern: Much of the building is expected to be devoted to office space

  Shopping: The earth-scraper would almost certainly become one of the city's top retail destinations as soon as it opened

  Connected: This picture shows the proposed metro station which would pass through the earth-scraper just below ground level

  When the Spanish arrived in America and ultimately conquered the Aztecs, they erected Christian churches on top of the pyramids.

  Eventually their whole colonial city was built over the Aztec one. In the 20th century, many colonial buildings were demolished and modern structures raised on the existing historic foundations.

  Esteban added: 'The Earthscraper digs down through the layers of cities to uncover our roots.'

  Novelty: No other public building extends so far beneath the ground

  Technical: The building would be an extraordinary feat of engineering

  Today: The plaza, shown as it looks currently, would be transformed by the radical plan

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