墨西哥建筑设计公司BNKR Arquitectura为墨西哥城设计了一座深入地下300米的倒金字塔形“摩地楼”。这座令人惊异的摩地楼将建在墨西哥城中部的主广场,共65层,其中住宅、商场以及博物馆各占10层,另外35层作为办公空间。
由于转入地下,摩地楼能够避开墨西哥城对新建筑的高度限制。这座倒金字塔的顶部面积240米×240米,将由玻璃板覆盖,上面竖起一面巨大的墨西哥国旗。 BNKR Arquitectura的埃斯特班・苏亚雷斯表示,摩地楼内将建造一家文化中心。他说:“墨西哥城需要建造新的基础设施、办公楼、零售店和住宅楼,但可用的土地非常有限。联邦和当地法律均禁止破坏历史性建筑,即使建造,高度也不能超过8层。这座城市的中心急需进行改造,但我们没有可用的土地,唯一的选择就是转入地下。”

Deep: The 65-storey 'earth-scraper' is set to plunge 300m into the ground beneath Mexico City

Epic scale: The enormous complex is intended to get round the city's planning laws, which state that buildings can be no more than eight storeys high

Landmark: The earth-scraper would be located in the city's main square, and topped with an enormous Mexican flag
A glass floor covers the massive 240m x 240m hole in the city's main square to filter in natural light from the world above.
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The design has been crowned with a Mexican flag.
Esteban Suarez, from architecture firm BNKR Arquitectura, said the building would also house a new cultural centre.

Scary: The core is all made of glass to ensure that all parts of the building receive natural sunlight from the world outside

Relaxing: Designers expect the public areas of the building to become a popular destination for those wishing to escape the bustle of the city

Heritage: The earth-scraper is expected to contain a museum and cultural centre which will explore the history of Mexico and its pyramids
He said: 'New infrastructure, office, retail and living space are required in the city but no empty plots are available.
'Federal and local laws prohibit demolishing historic buildings and even if this was so, height regulations limit new structures to eight storeys.
'The city's historic centre is in desperate need of a makeover but we have nowhere to put it, this means the only way to go is down.'
He added: 'The Earthscraper preserves the iconic presence of the city square and the existing hierarchy of the buildings that surround it.
'It is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural lighting and ventilation.
'It will also allow the numerous activities that take place on the city square year round such as concerts, open-air exhibitions and military parades to go ahead.'加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/