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CNN选出最恶心食物 多种亚洲食物上榜 皮蛋居首

www.sinoca.com 2011-06-29  CNN

  6. Stir-fried cicadas, Thailand

  Stir fried cicadas -- taste like mini steaks, with legs.In Chaing Mai, Thailand, stir-fried cicadas are served in street markets or in the huts jungle villagers live in, according to iReporter Adam Lambert-Gorwyn.

  “In the villages, larger animals are reserved for special occasions, so they collect insects to eat for their protein source,” says Lambert-Gorwyn.

  As to what the stir-fried crawlers taste like, he says "The initial peanut taste from the wok oil was followed by a full steak flavor. Not too bad.”

  7. Fried frog, Philippines

  France has nothing on the Philippines.Fried frog is a popular delicacy in Pampanga, Philippines, according to iReporter Dacalanio, who also reported how to eat woodworms earlier in the story.

  “Frog taste like chicken,” says Dacalanio. The white meat and the texture of frog and chicken are almost the same.”

  Not all restaurants that serve frog do it well, according to Dacalanio, as some places serve the dish “with an aftertaste of frogs.”

  For lip-smacking fried frog, frog legs and stuffed frog, the gourmand recommends Everybody's Café in Pampanga (MacArthur Highway, Del Pilar San Fernando, Pampanga).

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