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CNN选出最恶心食物 多种亚洲食物上榜 皮蛋居首

www.sinoca.com 2011-06-29  CNN

  3. Fermented chips, Indonesia

  When you don't want to see what you're eating, cover it in batter.Tempeh, which is made of fermented soybeans, and oncom, a fermented food made from the by-products of tofu, peanut presscake and cassava, are deep fried as chips in Indonesia.

  “Tempeh chips and oncom chips have a soybean-like taste, only a little bitter and crunchy,” says iReporter Chiu Huang.

  “A well-known chips shop is Oncom Jaya, located at Gang Sumanta No.3, Pasirkaliki, Bandung,” Chiu says.

  The culinary weirdness doesn’t stop there. Chiu also recommends chips made from deep-fried offal and animal parts.

  “Intestine chips and tendon chips are crunchy and salty, while lung chips tastes like liver, but less bitter and springier,” said Chiu.

  “Pork rinds chips and chicken feet chips are savory and crunchy.”

  4. Dog meat and offal, South Korea

  Dog meat disguises itself as mushroom in Busan.iReporter Melvin Francisquini recounts his experience eating dog meat in Busan, South Korea in April this year.

  “I never had an interest in eating dog, but with recent countries banning the consumption of them, I figured I might as well eat it before it's illegal,” Francisquini says.

  “Its texture was like tough cow beef,” he says.

  “I must say, I very much enjoyed it,” he adds. “I ate it for lunch. It proved to be quite filling and I wasn't hungry for the rest of the day.”

  He adds that dog’s stomach is “a bit too slimy for his taste” but that dog soup was his favorite.

  5. Fried tarantula, Cambodia

  Fried tarantulas -- not quite as nice as crickets.The story goes that Cambodians, starving and desperate under the Khmer Rouge rule in the 1970s, started eating fried tarantulas to stave off their hunger. Locals now consider fried spiders a moreish snack.

  iReporter Lee Edward van Laer sampled fried tarantulas after purchasing them from roadside vendors in Cambodia in March this year.

  “I’ll tell you honestly that crickets taste better than spiders,” says Lee.

  For fried spiders Lee recommends the street vendors on Highway 7 in Cambodia, between Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham.

  Read more about fried tarantulas and other deadly foods in Asia.加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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