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www.sinoca.com 2014-08-27  外研社

  Chinese women who are dating non-Chinese guys often express various issues which displease them – and the issues are mostly due to cultural differences. One of our forum readers sent us a list of what he considers the ten most common complaints of Chinese girlfriends.


  1. You don't carry my handbag!


  Most foreign boyfriends believe that carrying a handbag of a girlfriend is basically the opposite of manliness. But this is a very common demand of Chinese girlfriends. Chinese girls usually carry useless and unnecessary stuff in their bags.


  2. You don't text or call me three times a day!


  Chinese girlfriends usually demand that you stay in contact with them during the day and show that you care for them by calling or sending them text messages at least two or three times a day.


  3. You don't meet me often!


  If you don't visit or meet your girlfriend often she will call you selfish and this is a word Chinese girls use if you don't do something they want. However, for foreigners this word does not seem so strong and they consider it quite normal to be called selfish.


  4. Give less time to your friends!


  Sometimes, Chinese girls will complain that they don't like your friends, but this is not exactly true: They just want the guy to spend less time with his friends and more with them.


  5. Why don't you take me to the bar?


  She will often complain that you don't take her when you go out to a bar and she will accuse you of not taking her because of various reasons.

  她会常常抱怨说,你去酒吧喝酒的时候没有带她一起去,她会以各种理由指责你不带她一起去。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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