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英战机飞行表演头冲下落地 驾驶员安然无恙(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2011-07-14  每日邮报

  The three Spanish Messerschmidt-style fighters fly in formation

  Downed: This is the P-51 Mustang, dubbed Big Beautifull Doll, which crashed after colliding with a Skyraider at the end of the airshow

  Crash: Mustang plane Big Beautiful Doll (right) crashed after a mid-air collision with a AD4N Skyraider US Navy RM-24143

  Accident: The AD4N Skyraider US Navy RM-24143 was also damaged after the mid-air collision, and both pilots were lucky to be alive

  From left: Eight World War Two Spitfires, one Hurricane and Spanish Buchon fighter aircraft in Luftwaffe colours form up for a flypass at Flying Legends Airshow at Duxford Aerodrome

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