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英战机飞行表演头冲下落地 驾驶员安然无恙(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2011-07-14  每日邮报

  Drop: Chunks of metal fell to the ground following the collision

  Missing a wing, the Skyraider, right, flies on before landing safely. Right, the P51-D Mustang crashes into the ground following the collision

  How did that happen? Scratching his head, the pilot of the Skyraider inspects the damage after landing safely. Rob Davies, pilot of the other plane, parachuted to safety

  Three planes fly in a triangular formation close to RAF Duxford seconds before two of them collided in midair

  The Classic U.S. fighter plane suffered wing-damage after colliding in mid-air with another plane yesterday during an air display加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/


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