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www.sinoca.com 2015-12-17  凤凰国际






  美国结束长期超低利率时代,适逢中国经济增速降至25年来最弱时期。中国央行连续降准、降息,试图放宽流动性,刺激增长。包括中信证券[-0.94% 资金 研报]固收研究首席分析师明明在内的数位市场人士表示,美国加息后人民币贬值压力及资本外流压力将持续存在,将削弱中国货币政策的宽松效果。

  “在资本流出、外汇贬值的状况下,年底的流动性仍然将或有一定的波动,” 中信证券固收研究首席分析师明明在点评中称。他认为,中国央行有可能再次降低存款准备金,但带来的流动性不足以让中国10年期国债收益率停留在3%以下。


  Commentary: China can well cope with U.S. rate hike

  Dec. 17, 2015 (Xinhua) -- The recent U.S. rate rise has caused worry about its impact on developing countries. With growing strength, China could cope with it with a relatively easy mind.

  With abundant forex reserves and a strong economy, China has lots of resources to use to maintain financial stability.

  The underlying strength of the Chinese economy will stop the yuan from falling too far. The depreciation of the last two weeks was only a market phenomenon spawned by expectations of the rate hike.

  Some worry that a recovery in the U.S. will suck money out of emerging economies. This is not true.

  Cross-border money seeks higher yields, either higher interest rates from financial instruments or bigger returns from investment in the real economy. Narrowing the interest rate gap will not blemish the appeal of emerging economies because there are so many more opportunities to make money there these days.

  China, for instance, has transformed itself from a factory of cheap plastic gimcrack to a maker of high-speed trains, satellites and supercomputers.

  With innovation and consumption propelling the country forward, a smorgasbord of new opportunities to make money will present itself.

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上一篇:人民币持续贬值 中国留美学生和移民各有盘算(图)
下一篇:一场崩溃提前到来 2016年十大离谱预言可能成真

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