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美国网民热议习近平吃包子 称猪内脏有点多(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-12-31  新浪教育



  6个包子+1份荤菜+1份蔬菜,3.40美元,真便宜!(6 buns + 1 meat dish + 1 vegetable dishfor $3.40. That's pretty cheap! )

  听起来像是健康的食物,只是胆固醇和猪内脏有点太多了。(Sounds like a healthy meal, just a bittoo much cholesterol and pig intestines. )

  那些包子带汤汁,很美味。我的口水流出来了。(Those buns are delicious with juicy sauce. Ihave mouth water coming out。)

  这篇文章让我想去中国,去尝试这些著名的包子。(This article makes me want to go to Chinaand try out these famous buns。)

  我猜想包子店会招聘很多雇员,来应付很多国外和国内的顾客。I guess bun shop to recruit manyemployees ...Cope with many overseas and domestic customers.



  我们可能在过去100年里,没有过像习这样聪明的总统(主席)。如果有的话。(We probably haven't had apresident as smart as Xi in the last 100 years. If ever. )

  一个领导人出现在民众中,与他们打成一片,来向人们显示他是一个(普通的)人,我认为这是好事。(I think it is a goodthing for a leader to mingle and show his people that he ishuman。)

  他在一个简朴的餐馆用餐,而不是在一个党员官员经常光顾的华丽、奢侈的饭店,此事实增强了习作为一个简单、爱国、可敬和不腐败的领导的形象。它更是像给其他的党的官员传递了一个信息:他们应该像习一样,如果他们想事情进展顺利的话。(Thefact that he ate at a simple restaurant and not the gaudy,luxurious restaurants party officials usually frequent, furthersthe image of Xi as a simple, patriotic, honorable and non-corruptleader. More than likely it also sends a message to other partyofficials that they need to act more like Xi if they want things togo smoothly. )

  令人振奋!美国的领导人有时候这样做,并得到大量新闻报道,得到与普通民众见面的机会。可能中国人正在学习新的社交技能,以提高在世界上的社会地位。(Refreshing!US leaders sometimes do this and get great press coverage and achance to meet regular people. Maybe the Chinese are learning newsocial skills to augment their social standing in the world。)

  好极了!很高兴看到曾经在农村服务过的中国主席习近平,经常真诚地出入于民众之中,为民众工作,并为民众推动改革。谨表美好的祝愿。(Wonderful!Good to see Chinese President Xi, who used to serve in the village,to often sincerely go and come closer among the people, work forthe people, and push new reform for the people. Best wish。)

  我已经在北京居住了数年,已走遍全国。我能确定民众对习近平和他妻子的真心的热爱和尊敬。他是人民的主席,所有中国人民的主席。(I havelived in Beijing for a few years and have traveled China far andwide. I can confirm the real love and respect people have forPresident Xi and his wife. He is peoples President, all Chinesepeople。)

  习主席万岁!(Long Live President Xi! )(注:美国人对“万岁”的理解应该跟中国人不同。)加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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