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美国网民热议习近平吃包子 称猪内脏有点多(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2013-12-31  新浪教育




  哪一个是习主席?照片里每个人看起来都差不多。(Which one is the president? Everybody looksalike in the picture?)

  中国领导人展现致力于民众交际,不错。可是,为什么这成了美国的新闻?除非中共付雅虎很多钱来发表它。(Good that Chineseleader showing and working on people diplomacy, but why this becomeAmerican news unless the CCP paid yahoo big sum of money to postedit. )

  就像奥巴马和拜登顺路在汉堡包店停留。(Like Obama and Biden stopping by a burger joint。)

  这是模仿驻华大使骆家辉。(This mimics Gary F. Locke., US ambassador to China。)

  可能他看到罗马天主教皇弗朗西斯的92%的支持率,决定仿效他。(Maybe he saw the 92% approval ratingamong Catholics of Pope Francis and decided to emulate him. )

  那只是作秀。跟以往的领导人不同,习正在迅速地学习西方的政治领导人,用照片和联系民众的形象来增强自己的形象,以左右中国选民的意向。在过去的50年,绝大多数的美国政治家都是这么做的。那是一种古老的政治把戏。(Itwas only for the show. Unlike other Chinese leaders in the past, Xiis learning fast from their western political leaders, to enhancehis own image by photo-up and public relation images trying tomanipulate the opinion of Chinese voters. Most USpoliticians have been doing that for the past 50 years. It is anold political trick! )

  他是拥有我们美国经济的国家的老板。请对他显现一些尊重。(He's the guy who runs the country thatnow owns our economy, show him some respect. )

  奥巴马将会到沃尔玛,在他的吃福利的奴才们兑现每个月的支票时候,跟他们一起排队。(Obama is going to wait inline at a WalMart with his welfare minions as they cash theirmonthly checks.

  这才是真正的总统(主席),不像生活在腐败美国的那个浪费金钱的白痴(Now there is a REALPresident.....not like the money wasting idiot that lives incorrupted America)


  习近平继续紧紧掌控他的权力,但他不断给人一个好人的印象。中国人正在重塑某些重要的“品牌形象”。(Xi Jinping keepstightening his hold on power but he keeps coming off as a nice guy.The Chinese are doing some major image re-branding. )

  我只是祈祷和希望习近平是中国的另一位戈尔巴乔夫。(I just pray and hope Mr. Xi Jinping isanother Mikhail Gorbachev of China. )加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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