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地道美语: "for old times' sake" 念在往日情分

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  youku

1.We' ll get through this together. "get through""度过难关"

eg: A: m so nervous about the final exam. 我好担心期末考试的事.
      B: Don' t worry,you' ll get through it. 别担心,你一定会坚持到底的.    
      Emily had a hard time adjusting to her new job but she got through this. Emily经过了一个很难熬的时间去适应她的新工作,她终于扛过来了.

2.I' m not giving in to anything. "give in""屈服"

eg: I asked my boss for a raise for so many times that he eventually gave in.我跟老板说好多次加薪的事,他终于认了.
Ellen' s husband wants to move to Moscow, but she refuses to give in because she hates cold weather. Ellen的老公想搬到莫斯科,但Ellen拒绝妥协,因为她很不喜欢太冷的天气.

3. I just wanted to tell you for old times' sake. "for old times' sake""念在往日情分"

eg: Let' s go to Pete' s Restaurant tonight for old times' sake.We haven' t been there since we moved 5 years ago. 我们去彼得餐厅重温往日时光吧,5年前我们搬走后就再没去过了.
  I want to meet up with my college roommates for old times' sake.We have seen each other for so long.我和想见见我大学时的室友,我们已经很久没见面了.

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上一篇:英语口语:“坐冷板凳”用英语怎么说?cool one's heels
下一篇:地道美语:"go real easy on"对sb心软了或手软了

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