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地道美语:"scattered to the winds "化为泡影

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  youku

1.Go with it. 附和sb/ sth

eg: I don't like the way he runs the business, but I have to go with it because I' m not the boss. 我不喜欢他经营公司的方式,但我只能附和他,因为我不是老板.
  If you want to be a good dancer, just listen to the music and go with it. 你若想成为好舞蹈演员,只要听并且随着音乐就好.

2.How can you put this on my shoulders? "put sth on one' s shoulders ""让sb承担责任"

eg: When my father died, running the family business was put on my shoulders. 在我父亲过逝后,经营家里的生意的重任就落在了我的肩上.
  You' re so young; I can' t believe they put the entire marketing campaign on your shoulders! 你这么年轻,我没想到他们将整个市场运营的事都交了你.

3.Our memories scattered to the winds. "scattered to the winds ""随风逝去,化为泡影"

eg: We don' t see each other anymore, our friendship has scattered to the winds. 我们不能再见了,我们的友谊也渐渐消失了.
  I want to preserve the memories of my grandmother so they don' t scattered to the winds. 我想保留对我祖母的回忆,所以他们不会随风而逝.

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上一篇:地道美语:"run sth by sb " 解释给谁听

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