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地道美语:"run sth by sb " 解释给谁听

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  动感英语

1. We 're though here. "be through with ""受够了"

eg: After waiting for the doctor, who was two hours late for my appointment, I was through with being delayed and left. 医生迟到了两个小时赴约,我实在等不了就走了.
  I was glad that I had quit my job because I was through with getting up early every morning. 我很高兴把工作辞了,我再也不用每天早起了.

2.I' m trying to figure that out. "figure sth out ""搞清楚,弄明白"

eg: I spend a long time trying to figure out the answer to the difficult crossword puzzle question. 我花了很多时间要把这个填字游戏的迷给解出来.
  Even though the couple both looked at the map to try and figure out where they were, neither of them were able to and they had to ask for directions instead. 这对夫妇都想在地图上找到他们所在的位置,但做不到,所以他们不得不问路.

3.You want to run that by me again. "run sth by sb ""解释给谁听"

eg: As it had been a while since we' d played poker, I ran the rules by them before the game began. 我们很长时间没玩扑克了,所以开始的时候我把规则讲一遍.
  The tourists didn' t speak good Chinese so the waiter had to run the menu by them a few times. 游客讲不好中文,服务员不得不给他们解释好几遍.

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上一篇:地道美语:"freaky " 形容sth很怪,很蹊跷
下一篇:地道美语:"scattered to the winds "化为泡影

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