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[图文]Part 2   Introducing Other People 给别人做介绍

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  http://www.yingyu8.com

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Frank: Mr. Smith, I'd like you to meet my friend Lisa Peterson.

Smith: How do you do?

Lisa: How do you do?

Smith: How do you find things over here?

Lisa: If it wasn't for the climate, I'd like it very much.

Smith: It won't take you too long to settle here.


    在这段对话中,Lisa Peterson被介绍给了Mr.Smith,他们两个互道寒暄之后,又聊了一些题外话,介绍别人时的模式大体就是这样的。


Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2

Peter: May I introduce my new associate, Sarah Jackson? She represents the Dragon River Wear Company in China. This is Jay Mayor, a buyer for Bloomingdale's.

Sarah: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Mayor.

Mayor: Pleasure's mine. How is it going in China? Do you like it there?

Sarah: Quite good. The climate is pleasing and the food is great.




I'd like you to meet Mr. Smith.

I'd like to introduce Mrs. Linda Simpson.

May I introduce Mr. David Parker?

Allow me to introduce my friend Peter Brown. Peter, this is Mr. Howard Smith.

Allow me to introduce you to my manager.

Mr. Smith, let me introduce Mr. John Peterson.


Meet my friend Peter Brown.

Mr. Smith, this is Mr. Brown.

Jack, this is Miranda. Miranda, this is Jack.


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上一篇:[图文]Part 3 Finding Topics for Free Talks 寻找闲谈话题

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