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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  http://17he.com

CONRAD: I really do like this dining set.
But I just don't know. I don't know if I can do a good job with it.
SALESPERSON: It really isn't hard, sir. You just have to follow the instructions.
CONRAD: What instructions?
SALESPERSON: We will give you a detailed instruction manual if you buy the table.
CONRAD: I see. But can I understand the instructions? I'm a foreigner, you know.
SALESPERSON: Don't worry about that. Your English seems very good.
And our instruction manuals are very clearly written. It's easy!
CONRAD: Could you tell me now some of the things I need to do?
First, you must sand the furniture. You sand it to make the wood smooth.
You start with heavy-grade sandpaper. Then, you move to finer-grade sandpaper.
CONRAD: Do I have to sand every inch of the table?
SALESPERSON: The better you sand it, the better the finish will be.
CONRAD: Alright.
SALESPERSON: Then, after you sand it, you use tack cloth to wipe off any dust or sawdust. www.17he.com
CONRAD: Sawdust? 
SALESPERSON: Yes, sawdust is the tiny particles of wood.
You could call it wood dust. You must wipe it off.
The wood should be very clean before you put the varnish on.
CONRAD: That makes sense.
SALESPERSON: Then you apply the varnish, which is very easy. It is like painting.
CONRAD: And I can choose any color?
SALESPERSON: Yes, we have many colors to choose from, sir.
CONRAD: And after the varnish?
SALESPERSON: After the varnish dries for 24 hours,
you can put another coat of varnish on. Or you can put the finish on.
The finish is hard and clear. It goes on top of the varnish.

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