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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  http://17he.com

JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts?
LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours.
JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts.
LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.
JOY: Why? They have everything here.
LOUIS: I don't like shopping in malls.
I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.
JOY: Let's just look and see what they have.
LOUIS: Alright.
JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?
LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.
JOY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.
I know if we don't buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself. 
LOUIS: Sure I would.
JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.
LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.
JOY: I don't know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.
LOUIS: Where is the fitting room? I don't see it.
JOY: The fitting rooms are over there. u<`E
LOUIS: Okay, I will try it on.
JOY: It looks good on you.
LOUIS: I look like a nerd.
JOY: No, it looks great.
Why are you always like this when you're shopping? You know it looks good. 
LOUIS: Well, I don't think it's the best style for me. 
JOY: I think we'll buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.
LOUIS: Alright. Alright.
JOY: You should be happy I want you to look good.
If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.
LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety.
I'm sorry. I just don't like malls. WWW

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