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www.sinoca.com 2016-04-14  东方日报

  Spark: According to investigators, Popkov began his killing spree after discovering contraceptives in the family rubbish bin - leading him to assume, wrongly, that his wife Elena (pictured) was having an affair

  Family man: After Popkov was first accused, his wife Elena, 50, and daughter Ekaterina (pictured with Popkov), 28, refused to believe that he could have been capable of the murders

  Escape: After the latest revelations about the 'many' new murders, however, they have moved to a different city to try to start a new life. Pictured, Ekaterina with her father

  Caring: Popkov was able to hunt his victims so easily, as he would offer them lifts late at night in his police car. But he then drove them to remote locations where he raped and killed them, dumping their bodies

  Killed: It has not yet been revealed how many more women Popkov killed. Two of his victims were Tanya Martynova (right), 20, and Yulia Kuprikova (centre), 19, found dead on 29 October 1998 after a night out加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:华裔女婿枪杀中国来美探亲的岳父母 曾涉家暴(图)
下一篇:洛杉矶机场大片来袭:汽车撞飞机 伤员遍地(组图)

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