March 7, 2016
Statement from Brandeis University
Brandeis University has been informed of a malicious and false allegation regarding a Brandeis student who recently lost her life. A single and solitary allegation that there was an assault prior to her death was made in an unsubstantiated and anonymous post. This sole online post was made as a comment on an editorial on a student newspaper website.
To be entirely clear, Brandeis University has received no report whatsoever, in any form, of any assault involving the student who lost her life. This outrageous allegation has absolutely no basis in fact.
Our preliminary investigation indicates that the post was not linked to any Brandeis email or IP address, and most likely originated from someone entirely disconnected from Brandeis University. The University will use all tools at our disposal to investigate and prosecute those who make this kind of hateful and entirely unsupported allegation.
While the allegation has no basis in fact and only appeared in a solitary anonymous post, the allegation has been irresponsibly repeated in some media outlets, especially in China. Brandeis calls on all media to immediately retract any such reports.
Media have also incorrectly connected recent incidents of indecent exposure near the Brandeis campus to this false allegation. None of these incidents, all of which are being investigated by local police authorities, involved the student who lost her life.
Our hearts and prayers are with our Brandeis student and her family.
Judy Glasser
Interim Vice President of Communications

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