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探访全球“鬼城”:昔日繁华 如今满目苍夷(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2015-10-06  每日邮报

  Pyramiden, Norway

  Named after a pyramid-shaped mountain, Pyramiden, Norway was a Soviet-era coal mining town that was officially abandoned in 1998

  Most of its buildings are still intact and it is owned by a Russian firm, and there have been efforts to transform it into a tourist hub

  Spinalonga, Greece

  Run-down and left to the elements, this settlement was a leper colony until 1957, five years before the island was deserted

  Today, tourists can walk around Spinalonga’s ruined buildings, which were once home to lepers, and take in spectacular views of the sea

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上一篇:100年前的西方美女写真 如此豪放令人咂舌(组图)
下一篇:从日货到日式服务 中国人赴日旅游无所不抢(组图)

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