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www.sinoca.com 2014-12-10  外研社



  “Panacea” means a cure all; it comes from the same Greek root as “panorama”. It shouldn’t be used to imply a cure for a single thing, and yet here is a newspaper saying: “SOUTH AFRICA: Welfare payments – a panacea for poverty?”

  “panacea”意指包治百病的灵药,它与希腊语“panorama全景”含有同一词根。它不能用来形容对单一事物的治疗,而有家报纸上却说“南非:社会福利——穷人的 “a panacea”一种灵丹?”



  Does “disinterested” mean the same as “uninterested”? No. Here’s an example of misuse: “TomTom Disinterested in Windows Phone 7 Too?”. “Disinterested” means that a party is independent; so a dispute might be settled by a disinterested party. “Uninterested” means the party has no interest. “I asked John if he wanted to go to the cricket, but he was completely uninterested.”

  “disinterested”和“uninterested”意思相同吗?不是。这里有一个误用的例子,“汤姆对微软视窗系统“disinterested不公正”吗?” “Disinterested”意指公正;所以纷争可以通过公正的人来解决。而 “uninterested”是指没有兴趣。如,“我问约翰是否想去打板球,但他一点儿也’uninterested不感兴趣’。”



  Decimation was a Roman punishment where one in ten men was killed. So when something is decimated, it implies that ten percent of it is destroyed. “Devastate” is almost certainly a better word for most usages and yet: “New York City budget will decimate libraries”.

  “Decimation”曾用来形容古罗马的一项刑罚:十个人中死一个。所以当 “decimate”用于形容一件事情时,它意味着毁灭了十分之一的程度。“纽约市的预算将会毁掉图书馆”中的“decimate毁掉”一词用“Devastate”更合适。所以相对来说,“Devastate”更常用。

  1、 Ultimate

  1、 第一位:Ultimate

  From the Latin, this means the last in a list of items. But it’s so widely used to indicate the best; a google search for “ultimate phone” gives 307 million hits. I’d argue that the last phone has yet to be made. This is probably the most misused word on the Internet; type “ultimate” into google and thousands of hits come up, pretty much all of them using it as “the best”. However, for a change, this is the ultimate entry in this list.

  在拉丁语中,它用于表示列表中的最后一项,但却经常被用来形容“最好的”。在谷歌引擎上搜索“ultimate phone最好的电话”的次数高达30700万。对此我坚持认为是“最后一通电话”。该词可能是网上误用最多的单词了。在谷歌中输入“ultimate”,会出现上千个搜索结果,但大多数都把它用作“最好的”。不过,换个话题说,这的确是本文最后一个词目了。

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