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www.sinoca.com 2014-09-18  新浪


  You would like to get the opportunity to move more responsibilities to a more local Scottish Democracy instead of accept the fate of Westminster's plans? With all the powers moved to Scotland, we can make a fairer Scotland。



  Some believe that sometimes things are just bigger than us. As a country with only 5 million residents, England seems more equipped to deal with the more difficult responsibilities, like defense and taxation. Although other small countries in Europe seem to thrive, the 'Scandinavian model' might not work for wee Scotland。



  The Tories are in power in the UK, although the majority of Scots have chosen the opposition. The Scots are outnumbered ten to one, so whatever government the Scots will vote for in a UK General Election, it's highly unlikely that a Scottish Political Party will ever be part of a UK Government representing Scotland's needs. With the rising votes for UKIP in England, our goals towards a fair and harmonious society will diminish even further。



  You are happy with a Tory Government or perhaps even a future UKIP Government at Westminster. You believe that the choices made by the UK Government in the past have been in the interest of Scotland. You also trust the Westminster's politicians to give Scotland more powers in the future。



  We should stop building Nuclear Weapons in Scotland, it is unethical and morally wrong. Under "The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons" the UK expects all other countries to sign this agreement to disarm Nuclear Weapons, but has excluded itself. Under the treaty it continues to build more Nuclear Weapons in Scotland. If you believe in peace instead of war, let's stop building weapons of mass destruction and start caring for the people and the planet。



  For some the world seems more threatening every day. You may find it true that by building Nuclear Weapons we are more able to protect ourselves against our common enemies. Britain has made the world a safer place with the wars of the past and showing its weapons of mass destruction。



  Scotland's Oil reserves are vast. Most of the revenue and tax made from Oil goes directly to Westminster. There are claims that Scotland will be one of the wealthiest nations in Europe if we become independent。



  The vast income and revenue from oil in the Scottish part of the North Sea is too much to spend for a small country as Scotland. We can easily share these resources and benefit both from the wealth and revenue。



  Scotland has the resources and finances to become independent. One of the early myths created by the No Campaign has been debunked and even the Unionists agree that Scotland has what it takes to become independent and the Scottish people will be better off financially。



  The EU doesn't seem beneficial for the UK and the UK may decide to withdraw from the EU altogether. The UK should become independent of the EU again. The EU doesn't have our interests at heart and we give more to the EU than we get back。



  With an ever rising energy and electricity demand in Europe, Scotland could be one of the global leading suppliers. Scotland has many natural resources that allow sustainable energy for which more jobs are created. Furthermore when Scotland becomes Independent, many centralized services and offices, like Tax Offices, DVLA etc have to be set up in Scotland. This will create many jobs and jobs provide an income, which is good for the economy and beneficial for us all。

  由于欧洲对能源和电力的需求越来越大,苏格兰有可能成为全球主要的供应商之一。苏格兰拥有很多自然资源,能够提供可持续发展的能源,并创造更多的工作机会。而且,苏格兰独立后,许多集中服务和办公场所如税务局、汽车与车辆牌照局都会落户苏格兰。这会产生很多工作机会,而工作会带来收入,这对经济和我们自己都是有利的。加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

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