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英富豪强包多名模特被捕 “后宫”内景曝光(组图)

www.sinoca.com 2014-05-13  每日邮报





  Arrested: Spanish police have taken in Shoja Shojai, pictured

  Palace: Millionaire Shoja Shojai, 56, is accused of fathering seven children with aspiring models he kept against their will in a Costa del Sol harem

  Opulent: Shojai used this ten-bedroom mansion to hold his harem

  Grand: Some of the women claimed they were forced to contribute thousands to the rent

  Lavish: Locals described the women coming and going from the house in designer clothes surrounded by staff

  Harem: Several of the women told police they came to Spain on the promise that Shojai would help them gain a foot in the door of the fashion industry

  Location: The women were put up in a ten-bed mansion on the property in the hills above Marbella, and took it in turns to sleep with him

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上一篇:菲方拒绝中国官员见面要求 或对渔民加重判刑(图)
下一篇:美国29岁高中女狼师发情 一天与三男发生关系(图)

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